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Médiathèque de Pietrosella

the british museum is falling down

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Auteurs :

David LODGE (Auteur)

Editeurs :

Lieu d'édition :


Année d'édition :


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Format :

19 cm

Pages :

1 vol. ( 174p.)
The British Museum is Falling Down is a brilliant comic satire of academia, religion and human entanglements. First published in 1965, it tells the story of hapless, scooter-riding young research student Adam Appleby, who is trying to write his thesis but is constantly distracted - not least by the fact that, as Catholics in the 1960s, he and his wife must rely on 'Vatican roulette' to avoid a fourth child.

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En savoir plus

the british museum is falling down David LODGE 9780140062144
the british museum is falling down David LODGE 9780140062144
the british museum is falling down David LODGE 9780140062144

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